Translations: ja

FSIJ owns USB Vendor ID from USB Implementers Forum to encourage users' computing freedom.

FSIJ's USB Vendor ID is:

9035 Decimal
234B Hexadecimal

Here is a list of our Product IDs. Every software in use is Free Software and its copyright holder is Free Software Initiative of Japan.

Vendor ID Product ID String ID Description
234B 0000 Gnuk Token OpenPGP Token
234B 0001 NeuG True RNG Random Number Generator
234B 0002   (Experimental)
234B 0003 Initial-G Debug firmware
234B 0004 Fraucheky USB MSC device with GPL
234B 0005 Tian Tian Xiang Shang CCID smartcard reader

FSIJ would license second source manufacturer(s) to use FSIJ's Vendor ID, provided the purpose is for users' computer freedom and they make sure to send annual reports to FSIJ for their distribution.